Online Ticketing

  • Tickets purchased online are valid for 6 months from the date of purchase, unless otherwise specified, and are non-refundable.
  • Entry will not be permitted without presentation of these tickets in print or mobile format.

By entering Infinity, you are acknowledging and accepting all of the below terms, conditions, warnings and advice:

COVID-19 Plan Conditions of Entry

  • The health and well-being of our valued patrons and staff is our paramount concern.
  • We are working under the new Qld Government Public Health and Social Measures linked to vaccination status Direction as it applies to our business and we are required to implement certain safety procedures.
  • We are committed to keeping you and our staff healthy and safe, but we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed to COVID-19. We rely on you to protect yourself too.
  • Government recommendations are that “at risk” or vulnerable people should be extra vigilant and consider whether they should remain at home. If you come to Infinity, please take your own additional safety precautions as we will be unable to guarantee your safety.
  • We are not permitted to allow you into Infinity if you have any of the following symptoms: cough or sneezing, fatigue, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever 37.5 Celsius degrees or higher, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, a new loss of taste or smell.
  • If you or any member of your party or family is not feeling well, please do not visit us today. Plan to come when everyone is well.
  • Please tell us if you are unwell.
  • We cannot allow you into Infinity if, in the previous 14 days, you have:
    • been in close contact with an active COVID-19 case.
    • had a fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting or any cold/flu-like symptoms in the last 72 hours.
    • Precautionary processes are in operation. We are required by law to ask you:
    • to use alcohol-based hand sanitiser before and after your Infinity experience.
    • to observe social distancing rules.
    • Unless you are under 16 years of age, we cannot allow your entry unless you abide by these precautionary processes. It’s the law.
    • Please buy tickets online or pay by card for contactless payment.
    • Please do not bring excess bags of personal belongings with you; leave them in your car or at home.
    • If you feel ill at Infinity, please tell a staff member immediately.

We apologize for the delay and inconvenience that these safety procedures will cause and ask you to be patient with our staff.

Conditions of Entry & Warnings

  • Entry is at your own risk.
  • The owners and operators of the INFINITY premises are not liable for death, injury, property loss or damage howsoever caused, including negligence by INFINITY and its staff, to the fullest extent permitted by law and you irrevocably release the owner and operators of INFINITY premises from all claims and liability.
  • If special effects lighting, sound, dark confined spaces or illusions of height and depth cause you concern, please make further enquiries before entry.
  • If uneven and unstable floors in some areas might affect you, please make further enquiries before entry.
  • Children under the age of 12 years must be accompanied by an adult/carer who accepts responsibility for their care, safety, and conduct.
  • INFINITY is not recommended for children under 8 years or for anyone with an unusual fear of darkness.
  • If taken into INFINITY, young children must be able to walk unassisted. A young child cannot be carried, unless in a front-facing baby harness.
  • Babies carried in a forward-carrying harness will only be admitted at the parent’s risk. We recommend against entering with a baby or toddler.
  • Prams and children in backpacks cannot be admitted.
  • Pregnant & expectant mothers should seek medical advice before entering or enquire further with Infinity staff.
  • No running, jumping or sliding.
  • A carer accompanying a disabled guest to assist that guest will be admitted free of charge providing a current valid Carer’s Card (or similar) issued by relevant State or Commonwealth authorities is produced.
  • Guests in wheelchairs must give 24 hours notice to arrange a suitable time for admission as a staff member will need to assist. You will also need to transfer to our onsite mobility aids.
  • Guests using crutches or walkers are not permitted within the attraction.
  • Mobile devices, sunglasses, bags and other loose items may not be taken into INFINITY.
  • Lockers are available for personal belongings, bags, sunglasses, mobile devices, umbrellas, etc.
  • INFINITY reserves the right to inspect your bags at any time.
  • Photography, video, or sound recording is strictly prohibited.
  • No food, drink, chewing gum or animals may be taken into the premises.
  • INFINITY reserves the right to refuse entry or remove guests from the attraction for vandalism, stealing, offensive behaviour, queue line jumping, failure to properly supervise persons under your care, failure to follow safety instructions or failure to comply with these Conditions of Entry.
  • Design and systems of Infinity are protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You must not infringe those rights.
  • Your image may be taken at any time for security or sales purposes and may be used by us for our commercial purposes without payment to you.
  • All prices shown here are in Australian dollars, are subject to change and are GST inclusive.
  • All tickets purchased online are non-refundable.
  • Prices are valid until 31st March 2024 unless otherwise stated on special offers.

For parents with young children who feel threatened by the dark or unknown: Does your child have an unusual fear of the dark? In some of Infinity’s environments, the special effects require a very low level of light. A small percentage of young children and some adults may feel anxious under these conditions. INFINITY is a series of fun environments. Although there is nothing in INFINITY that is designed to frighten (e.g., nothing jumps out or grabs you), some people may feel dismay due to the ‘unknown’. In the Mystery Zone (only one of 20 zones), patrons use their sense of touch to feel their way under very low light effects. If you think that you or your child might be adversely affected you should refrain from entering or purchase a glow stick on entry. Please make sure you watch and explain the safety instruction in the video you will see before entry. Ask for more information if you have any doubts.

Health Advice

  • Visitors must be in good health, agile, and free from any potentially adverse medical conditions. You should seek medical advice if uncertain.
  • Pregnant & expectant mothers should seek medical advice before entering or enquire further with Infinity staff.
  • If low light levels, fog effects, or strobe lighting might affect you, seek advice before entry.
  • INFINITY has some areas with uneven and moving floors which may affect people with mobility problems, knee, leg or ankle injuries or who lack agility, so please seek advice before entry.
  • Enclosed footwear should be worn within Infinity.
  • Persons affected by alcohol or drugs must not enter INFINITY.

Your Responsibilities

  • There are inherent risks in the participation in an attraction. You, by your participation, accept the inherent risks of which a prudent person is or should be aware.
  • You must exercise good judgement and act in a responsible manner whilst at INFINITY.
  • You must act with consideration for your own safety and well-being and that of others, and refrain from behaviour that could affect your safety and the safety of others.
  • You must obey all reasonable written and verbal instructions and warnings given by INFINITY and its staff, without objection.
  • You must use, as instructed, shoe covers and gloves provided when participating in the attraction.

INFINITY takes all reasonable steps to provide you with a safe and enjoyable attraction, but we will not be liable for any person in respect of any loss of or damage to the personal property of, or the loss of life or personal injury to, any person, whether that loss, damage or personal injury is caused by any person’s negligence or otherwise.

In these Conditions of Entry, “INFINITY” includes the owner and operator of Infinity and all INFINITY staff.

INFINITY reserves the right to change terms and conditions at any time without notice