
Infinity endeavours to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct at the time of publication. However, Infinity does not warrant, guarantee or make representations regarding the correctness, accuracy or suitability for particular purpose of the information contained on its website.

The user accepts full responsibility and risk associated with the use of this site. Infinity does not accept responsibility or liability for consequential loss, damage or inconvenience suffered or incurred as a result of use of this website or information contained in it.

While the copyright of the information contained on the website belongs to Infinity, you are welcome to use the information for non-commercial purpose. Any use of the information for commercial purposes without written permission from Infinity will result in an action for breach of copyright.

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The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the style, design and content of this site, in the Infinity logos, in the Infinity attraction (including its shape and form, special effects, and audio-visual effects, whether as a work of artistic craftsmanship or otherwise), and in all representations of it on this site and elsewhere in any 3D form, and in printed, audio visual or digital media remain the property of Dreamtech Designs & Productions Pty Ltd and are used by Infinity (Gold Coast) Pty Ltd under licence. They may not be used for any purpose without the written authorisation of Dreamtech Designs & Productions Pty Ltd. All rights are reserved in full © 2000. “Infinity the fun never ends” and the Infinity logo are registered Australian trademarks of Dreamtech Designs & Productions Pty Ltd